Dangling Modifier(垂悬结构)看起来是一个非常高大上的称呼,实际上原理很简单,也就是句首的修饰成分没有了修饰对象,以至于它“悬在了”空中。所以,我们的修改方法就是让这类修饰语“落地”。
Havingread Faulkner’s short story “A Rose for Emily,” the ending surprisedus.
这句话看起来毫无问题,读起来还非常的顺畅。翻译成中文不就是:读完了这个故事,结局非常吸引我们么?所有的dangling modifier的句子难处就在于整句话每个人都是可以读懂的,所以在语义表达上并不会出现问题。
但问题是,句首出现的像doing,done,to do这类结构(我么称之为introductory elements,就姑且翻译为开头信息吧),一定要和主语能够发声修饰关系,也就是说句首的出现doing,done,to do 的这个动作必须是主语能够发出的,或作用在主语上的。否则,这个修饰语挂在了整个句子智商,就没有了落地点。
比如上面这句,having read……这明显必须是一个人发出的动作,但是后面主句的主语确是ending-结尾,结尾是发不出读这个动作的,而能发出读这个动作的就只有us了。错就错在了这里。
Havingread Faulkner’s short story “A Rose for Emily,” we were surprised by theending.
这样前面这个having done结构就可以“名正言顺”地修饰主语we了。
Dangling Modifier的常见模式
(1) (By)Doing, SVO.(Doing必须是S发出的动作)
WRONG: Smoking my cigar, afire engine came roaring around the corner.
RIGHT: When I smoked my cigar,I saw a fire engine roaring around the corner.
(2) Done, SVO.(Done必须是施加在S上的动作)
WRONG: Given praise by histeachers, his attitude became obnoxious.
RIGHT: His teachers praised him, and he developed an obnoxiousattitude.
(3) To do, SVO.(To do必须是S要做的动作)
WRONG: To earn money, china-painting lessons were offered by Emilyto wealthy young women.
RIGHT: To earn money, Emily offered china-painting lessons towealthy young women.
(4) 省略主语的从句, SVO.(省略的主语必须与S一致)
WRONG: When fishing, my hook isalways baited.
RIGHT: When I am fishing, myhook is always baited
(5) Like / As something, SVO. (something和S必须具有可比性)
WRONG:Like everyone else, anxieties and sorrows are what we have.
RIGHT: Like everyone else, we have our anxieties and sorrows.
(6) 同位语, SVO. (同位语必须和S一致)
WRONG: An excellentprofessor, British literature is taught by my father.
RIGHT: An excellentprofessor, my father teaches British literature.
Dangling Modifier的修改方法
换主句主语。既然开头信息要修饰主语,所以换掉主语就行了呗。如上述例子中(6)将主语从British literature 换成my father就是换主句主语的例子。
开头信息变从句。如果前面的信息可以改装成一个完整的带有主语的从句也能避免这个问题。如上述例子(1)中,将smoking my cigar改成了when I smoked my cigar, 就是开头信息变从句的例子。
变成两个句子。既然不能写成一个句子就别面前两个。拆成两个句子得了,各不亏欠。 如上述例子(2)中就是将前面变成了一个完整的SVO。
练习来啦: 识别下列句子中是否存在danglingmodifier,以及该如何修改呢?
1. After centuries of lying on the ocean floor, the treasure hunters found the Spanish galleon.
2. Watching carefully for hours, the flock of butterflies never arrived.
3. Thirsty, the glass of water was swallowed in one gulp.
4. Driving down the street, the park came into view.
5. Resolving to study more, the textbooks seemed more interesting.
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